Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Stop Pollution… Prevent Global Warming.

Kay’s back!And she's back with a whole new brain.  iKnow you missed me.

So iRead a book about global warming. Deep stuff. iKnow you're gonna be like you dont believe in that shit. But iDid some research. And sadly its real. Believe it or not.

There’s a lot of official stuff I could quote. But that’ll just be boring. Don’t be upset if the post doesn’t live up to its Humor tag... I’m doing the best with what I’ve got.

So let’s see…

The main thing is we’re really destroying the earth in a bigger and more catastrophic way than anyone has ever imagined.

iMean, I’ve heard of concrete cities with hardly any green. And rivers whose pretty rainbow surfaces came from an oil leak upstream. Animals are becoming extinct right now. In my lifetime. Like WTF. Couldn’t you wait till iWas dead? Scratch that.

It’s a whole lot worse now cause of huge, worldwide climatic changes caused by us. All cause we wanna live a totally work free life.

Kids right here in Nigeria go to bed hungry every night. While other people get N50,000 haircuts.   Promote the general welfare? Please. 

Just a few weeks back. iWas driving [well not me] to Opebi. And there was this truck in front of us belching some awful black smoke. iThought we were gonna die. Scared the shit outta me.

Moving on.

People have cleared millions of forests in the name of industries. iMean clear a whole bunch of trees. No biggy. But a whole forest...  Like seriously. 

It leads to tons of topsoil washing away. Morons!  In order words loss of animals and plants, and increased fires and floods. Just by stuff people have made. Stupid cunts. Smh.

Well, we only have the one atmosphere! What do you plan to do when it’s destroyed?
Hold our breath till we get a new one? Kmt!

Nine of the ten hottest years ever recorded have happened in my lifetime. Tornadoes. Hurricanes. Typhoons. Droughts. Wildfires. Tsunamis. And I’m only seventeen.

We’re warming up the freaking planet and the planet’s ice is melting. If only fifty percent of the world’s ice melts, countless rivers and streams will overflow and then dry up.

The worst of worst is ocean water level will rise by... um a lot! Who wants to see the Eiffel Tower by canoe? That would be so epic. But alas, it's not two hundred years from now. Soon. Maybe within this lifetime. What a blast we would have.

We can’t reverse this fiasco. Well maybe the Justice League. But their fictional. Even if we all pitched in now and did everything we could, which, face it, we’re not going to do. A small percentage of us will do stuff, and other people will ignore the problem and hope they’ll be dead before it gets really bad.

 But there are things we can do that would at least help. It would make a difference.

Use compact fluorescent bulbs. If every house in Nigeria replaced just one of its regular light bulbs with a compact fluorescent, it would be like taking a million cars off the road. iMean, how hard is that?  Do the math.

Buy a hybrid car. You don’t have to have the nicest car to prove you’re the boss. Especially when it’s gonna kill ya. R.I.P Dagrin. Be like me. I’m just naturally awesome.

Plant a tree. It’ll only take what? About a year. Pfff. Big deal.

Right now Nigeria looks like a fat headed, shortsighted, gas-guzzling, arrogant blowhard to the rest of the world. Even Ghana looks all clean and tidy and progressive. No offence. But where’s our sense of pride?

I’m just one kid. And i'm not even a genius.
iWatch the world. Even just my own small part of it. Its been happening forever but not at this frequency.

Education might be a bitchAss. But I’ve sure learnt a lot.

To tell you the truth, I could go on and on. Buh den I’d b writing a novel. And I’m still struggling with one. x_x

Note: Most of this stuff was quoted indirectly by James Patterson. Love him tho  :)

Its’s strange. Half a second ago iDidn’t believe in this stuff. Now I’m dedicating a whole blog to it. I’m such a fucking BadAss.

A friend asked me. “What I’m iDoing to stop global warming?” iGuess naw iCould show him this and be like, “In ya face sucker!” :-D

Oh well, thats all iCan do to protect the Universe for today.

Boring. iKnow.
Spread the word. Global warming is real.

Caramel Kisses. Muah!

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