Saturday, January 8, 2011


So i'm laying in my bed. Thinking about my life [something iSeem to do right before iGo to bed.]

And i'm thinking.

Every night. Right before iGo to bed. iSay a prayer. And its always the same prayer. Not exactly though.

And every night. iNever actually remember if iPrayed the night before. Very *place a word here* of me. iKnow. Sad.

Truth is. My hardest wish is to get closer to God. U'r probably wondering why iUsed the word "hardest" instead of some non-earthly word [ iWas gonna say absurd. Get over it] like holy. Well its cuz it's virtually the hardest thing to do besides bungee jumping. watching the one you love, love someone else. Lifting a... [never mind.]

Back to blogging.

Dont get me wrong. iWanna go to heaven. Everyone wants to go to heaven. Apart from some mentally deranged Antichrists that think hell's all about rap. rock. and babes. Take KMFDM for example. Pfff. Idiots!


iWas talking about umm. Yh. Hardest thing to do. Right.

Its not just about believing in Jesus  Christ or having faith. And hoping that some flaming chariot would come and carry you away. Pfff. You've gotta make some sacrifices too. Not talking about killing a goat or your first and only son.

No one truly knows when they're gonna die. It could be 50 years from now. May 2011. Or even after iPost this blog. God-forbid. *Snapping fingers.*

A few years back. My sister [iConsider her as my sister.] Tosin tried to scare Jade, Andrew [long story] and myself. Into giving ourselves to Christ by telling us a story about dis guy [lets call him Ace] who was always hammered  [not what you're thinking... Or maybe you weren't thinking that ...I've got a terrible mind.] by his pastor to give his life to Christ. And cause Ace wasn't ready. He postponed it to Friday that week. Guess what happened. He died right before Friday.

We still didn't budge. And we were still innocent children then.

Truth is everyone loves God. As iSaid some lines earlier, except for.... [you get.] But then they're also afraid to give up a lot of things.

Its not exactly easy to just smash down a building thats already half finished and start up from scratch all over again.

Have you got my metaphor?

If u haven't got it, you're mentally retarded and you need to exercise your brain more.

Moving on.

iRead a blog that said, "everyone cant avoid sin. But you could try to cut it down as much as possible". So what i'm gonna do is keep believing and hopefully one day i'd get there.

Truly from my heart. Shinxx
à la prochaine

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