Friday, February 25, 2011


So i'm in the kitchen at the moment, slaving away so my brothers may have their fully nutritional, tasty looking spanking supper. Not telling you what it is *tongue out* :P.

And just so iWouldnt die of unbelievably depressing boredom and impatience,  iCarried my laptop with me. You see, not everybody has a BB. Some of us actually use regular PHONES, pay the usual required fee for CREDIT, browse on our LAPTOPS and send normal TEXT MESSAGES once in a while.

Don't be surprised if one day you see a skinny light skinned girl walking on the road browsing while holding her laptop. Its not cool but cause its original and it comes from me it counts as being awesome.

OK iWas kidding. iWouldn't be caught dead doing that. Well thats cause if iWas dead iWouldn't be doing it anyways. Pfff. 

If iSee anyone walking on the road like that iWouldn't hesitate to LAUGH OUT LOUD !

Sorry iReally do not have anything important to say today. So iLeave you with one thought just to spice up your imagination.

Imagine waking up one morning and you find yourself falling  from the sky with no parachute. It'll be a terrible el muerte. Why do people go skydiving anyways. What if your parachute doesn't work. Scary stuff.

Oh well. Hasta la vista el fiel


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