Sunday, August 19, 2012


Hello fellow Earthlings. How ya been? iKnow its been a while since iBlogged, and iAm not really sorry about it. *giggle*

Alrighty then *rubs palms*   

It took a lot of courage for me to start this blog. To expose myself like this. Believe me, its not something iDo regularly.

iStarted from random ramblings, to actually saying how iFeel. You could call it breaking out... And its taking me a lot more to keep alotta shit to myself. 

A lot has happened in this last few months. iLost the one good thing iHad going on for something that barely even started. Reality hit me like an angry pimp.

The highlight was my second bestie (Dammy) coming for summer. And she brought alotta lowlight with her. Not funny? Alright *pshh *rme.


iCan't say this was my best summer... But it sure as hell was the funniest. iDon't think I've laughed this hard nor had this much drama repeatedly before. Like some serious Nollywood shit (hollywood would be pushing it.) You wouldn't believe how much shit people would say just to... Nevermind.

Moving on.

iAm not sad, iAm not depressed, iAm not excited and iAm definitely not the happiest person in the world. I'm just there, iLive for the moment, whatever happens, happens. iHave learnt to stop putting so much hope in people, maybe cause iHave been let down too many times, its become normal.
What does it mean to give someone a chance, knowing fully well that they were gonna disappoint you?

To let them hurt you over and over, and forgiving them nonetheless.

They apologise for hurting you and just when you think its all over... boom! ...there goes gravity.

You can't get mad at them cause well, no one deserves to have you stressing like that. 

The saddest part is when you realize how alone you actually are. That no one ever texts you first or anything. The only time they call you is when they need you; to fix a fight they had with someone. To ask for money. Or call you over cause they know you'd bring your pretty friends along.

So it gets to the point where you don't want to put in that much effort on people who don't put in any effort for you. You learn to stop giving a fuck about people that act like you're not important to them, like you're just a liability, you don't mean much. Basic survival instincts.

You end up spending your time generally alone. In the end what will be will be. no stress, no worries,

But hey... That's life for you.
